Tuesday, August 30, 2005



Kole didn't want to go to school today, he said a lil' boy scratched him on his neck last week. I felt bad- I remember not wanting to go to school because of mean kids too. My poor lil' man. But I remind myself that kids have to go through this stuff I suppose.

So we changed the topic. I asked if anyone was nice. He said most of the boys and all of the girls. Especially the one with the dots on her face. Dots? Interesting. I need to keep a lookout for this dottie girl.

To wrap up things- I have this announcement: It was an overall Happy Day- he waved to me when I was driving away. He does love me. I love him too- I just wanted to freeze time and enjoy it. He usually makes me feel like a diseased person when we're up at school; I had to say it was nice.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Kole Drew This

He said it was a picture of us (Kole and Mommy) walking on the sidewalk that he forgot to draw.


Japanese Gardens

Mike suggested we take a quick time out and enjoy some time together. I was glad he did. What a WONDERFUL afternoon. Enjoy...


Mike's Company Picnic

Friday, August 26, 2005


Be Nicer

Last night Kole said I needed to be nicer.

I want to be and sometimes I know I should be more so but that there are times when it is difficult to be.
Well maybe you need to try harder?
I'm trying but I can try harder. Do you have any tips?
Always be good to each other, be good to animals, share, love one another and love God...

I was so proud; he recited so many of the behavioral issues we've been focusing on. He has been a really great kid lately and I keep finding myself bursting with pride at the lil' man he is becoming. I do need to be nicer because I sure have a nice kiddo.



My kids smile A LOT, especially lately.
Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing your children happy just cause…

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to smile when we make eye contact with co-workers or even strangers (well us nice people do anyway)?
Why keep smiles limited to those to whom they are lost on?

I try to share my smiles with my family as often as possible. I made conscious decision years ago to smile especially when I’m looking at my children, even as far back as to when Jack was a baby (mostly because he was so responsive to smiles). I try to create a very loving feeling when we’re together and I’m always surprised to see how much they pick up on happiness. Smiles certainly enrich our lives
(in fact I’m smiling thinkin’ about it).

Smiles to me are such a gift.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


A Kole Time

This Morning...

Kole, guess what.
We're going to be early to school today.
Isn't that cool?
Not everything you say is cool Mom.

Huh? Well... He was rephrasing the saying, not everything you hear is true and/or just because you say it, doesn't mean its true ( thing but dang).

Then he walked behind me again, wouldn't hold my hand, and when I sat by him at the lunch table to wait until his new teacher came he whispered that I should leave. I asked him to repeat himself- I thought I must have heard him wrong. He then started leaning on me, trying to get the to get out of the seat next to him. Nice, very nice. Well, we'll meet the teacher tonight at the school thing I guess.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Mrs. B?

Kole and I had this "discussion" last night...

So Kole do you like Mrs. Bilbey?
You mean Mrs. B.
Yeah, Mrs. Bilbey.
I call her Mrs. Bobby.
I don't know.
and that was about it.

Mike said Kole announced he wanted to marry Mrs. Bilbey. Wow, didn't realize he liked her that much (thought he wanted to marry his Mommy?). Figured that Mrs. Bilbey might be a good conversation starter. She wasn't.


Parenting Techniques

Okay so sometimes my parenting techniques are less than ideal. I try lots of different approaches and alot of times things just don't work out the way I'd like them to.

Use to count for Kole in order to get him motivated to get stuff done in a timely manner...
Kole, you have 10 seconds to put on your socks and he would rush and be so proud to beat the clock. This morning I tried it and he wasn't having it- He said "Mom stop. I'll just put on my socks okay?". Ouch, that hurt. Okay buddy.

I try to get Jack to brush his teeth (always a fight). He's got two brushes and 2 types of toothpaste to choose from...
Jack, which toothbrush do you want?
I no wanna brush my teeth, not eber.
Alright, the race car brush looks good.
No, I mean, no. NO.
Which toothpaste?
That one (he's coming around).
Okay, open your mouth (he pierces his lips together)
Open (pause)
Jack if you don't open, your teeth won't get brushed. Do you want them to get all nasty? People will think you're yucky because your breath will smell. You don't want to be dragon breath boy do you? (I do this technique with Kole and it really scared him but Jack was just excited to see how nasty they already were). But poor Jack, he couldn't see well enough, he opened his mouth so big he couldn't see his teeth because his eyes were all scrunched- guess he has to take me for my word. Long story longer- his teeth were brushed, mission was accomplished.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Kole Quotes

Into the evening...
Kole: I'm hungry.
Kristy: I thought Dad fed ya.
Kole: Yeah but I'm hungry again.
Kristy: Okay clean up while I make you something.
Kole: No, that's not how it works.
Kristy: Excuse me, I decide how it works.
Kole: No, God does.
Kristy: Clean up.
Kole: No.
an hour passes...
Kole: I cleaned up.
Kristy: What would you like to eat.
I win.

As we're going to sleep...
Kole: I want to change my name to Blonde, what letter does that start with?
Kristy: Huh, um a 'B'.
Kole: Cool.

This morning when I lost my cool (hey, sock issues that last 30mins?!?)...
Kristy: You understand why you got in trouble?
Kole: Yeah I guess.
Kristy (chosing to disregard the I guess part): But you know I still love you.
Kole: silence
Kristy: Hey
Kole: I love you too (and then he mubbles) but only 1%.
Oh he use to love me onehundredfivethousandthirtyeightten.


I Like

Karl, Regena, Mom, Zac, Kole and I are sitting around having a discussion about tattoos. Everyone is throwing out their thoughts on it, the conversation is escalating (not bad, but everyone is putting in their 2 cents worth), I want to clarify something I said...

Kristy: I like tattoos but
Kole (who's sitting on my lap interrupts and starts singing at the top of his lungs): I like big butts and I cannot lie.

We all start laughing. Where did THAT come from? Has my 5 year old been secretly listening to silly 90s music? I ask, he says "Shark Tale".

That's right; he's seen it maybe 3 or 4 times (not recently) and that one line I think is the only line from that song. He can't remember the names of his Aunts and Uncles (he sees them 3 or 4 times a week), but he knows this? He recites this?

I try to get him to alter the words.
Kristy: I like big bugs and I cannot lie.
Kole: I like big Worms a cannon nut lie...

What? Why? LOL.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Kole & Mommy

Kole drew this on his first day of school. I asked what it was, he said- me and you.

We're walking along and we see a tree, we stop to talk, just you and me.

Well it didn't rhyme but that's the gist.


Kole Conversation about School

First day of school dialogue...
Mommy asks, "How was school?"
Kole replies "Good".
Just Good, no details?
Well do you like your teacher?
What about the other...
Mom, you know I don't remember this stuff.

That night the conversation goes like this...
We have to go to bed early.
Because we have to wake up early tomorrow.
For what?
(are you joking) For school.
You mean I have to go back?

Next day...
So Kole, what was your favorite thing about school?
Playing on the playground.
I got all sweaty.
Then, my armpits started to sweat.
In fact they are sweating right now.
Wanna feel them?

That night...
Have you made any friends.
Yeah, I have a new best buddy.
The boy wearing the car shirt.


Jack Conversation

Kristy/Mom comes home with a new haircut.
Jack looks confused. He finally says...
You not my Mommy.
But he smiles.

Then he asked for food.

Other Jack sayings...
I no like you.
You hate me.
Kole Kole hurt me.

and as quick as he'll say those things...
I love you.
I want you.
Hold me NOW.
You mad at me?

Tease, I want to.

Ask him a question...
No, I mean NO, I mean yes.
I no want it.

And the famous...
I sorry.
(as he's doing it).

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Kole's First Day

Aug 15th has come and gone. The nights are too short, and the days are too long. But there he goes, so brave and so ready. I try to hold his hand, I try to stay steady. But he lets go, he can do this on his own. I know that he can, but I don't want to be alone. Kids, they fill you up and show you real love, our lil' angels sent truly from Heaven above. So here are some pictures of the day, when he can't wait to go, and I just want him to stay. Big Bro was so ready; he took the morning in stride. Nothing out of the ordinary during that ride. That ride to school, that was breaking my heart. Why, oh why, did school have to start?

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Carnival: Kole (and Bailey)


Carnival: Jack (Maddy/Dog)

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Kole at the "Water" Park


Jack at the "Water" Park


My Boys Just Cause


Kole 05' CampEnd

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Jack's Gift Opening


Ball Time


ZipLine Baby

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